Let me introduce myself
My name is Destiandana. Some people call me Destian, some others call me Yayan.
I am from Indonesia. I love this country very much because I was born here in 1985, in the city called Jember. It's the eastest city in East Java and Sumberjati is the village where I stay now.
I start making this blog in order to:
1. Enhance my English
2. Open the opportunity to have a new friendship through blogging
3. Have many teacher friend abroad
4. Go out from my main activities (On line gaming and write status on FB)
5. Have a new income (if possible)
My job is a teacher of elementary school, that is started from September 2004 till now, besides that I'm also a typist in rental computer (Dhear Computer).
Then, about my study, here are the history
1. I started studying at pre school (TK. Dharma Wanita) in the year 1990 - 1992
2. After elementary school I continued studying at elementary school (SDN Sumberjati I) in the year 1992 - 1998
3. Then, I went to Junior High School (SMPN 1 Silo) in the year 1998 - 2001
4. Then, I continued to Senior High School (SMAN 1 Kalisat) in the year 2001-2004
5. I had a break from study for about a year
6. Then, I continued My Diploma 2 (STIB Blambangan Banyuwangi) in the year 2005-2007
7. Being confused in choosing the university made me to continue my bachelor degree at IKIP PGRI Jember in the year 2007-2011
That's a brief about me as the introduction of this BLOG, I hope this blog will last long and have the income for the future..