Monday, December 26, 2011


Today, I'm gonna post 2 materials regarding those two topics above.
This material is the same material as usual. They consist of pictionary and exercise.
However, the link will be directed to adf ly, the shortening addressed provider, so please be patient if you want to download the materials..

Here are the materials:

If you need the original clip art. Check the link below.

Finally, I finished providing 2 materials for today
Thank you for visiting.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Hi, we meet again in this blog, my 3rd post.
Today's post is the first English Teaching material I posted. The topic is the same as I mentioned at the title above (Clothes). In this material, I provide two files (word extension).
The files are:
1. Pictionary
2. Exercises

Here are the preview:

for exercises. Here is the link download here

That's all for the material
Thank you for coming

Friday, December 23, 2011

What is this blog about?

Hello everyone who come to this blog
I'm glad to see you here again.

Today, I'll tell you what this blog are all about
Well, my desire in making this blog is for providing English teaching resources and worksheet.
They will be separated into these kinds of example:
1. English pictionary
2. English exercises
3. English question
4. English story (if possible)
5. English song (if possible)

Due to the difficultness of presenting my work in this blog, I will give the preview in form of .JPG extension, and provide the link to download.

Thank you for reading
Feel free to comment.




Let me introduce myself
My name is Destiandana. Some people call me Destian, some others call me Yayan.
I am from Indonesia. I love this country very much because I was born here in 1985, in the city called Jember. It's the eastest city in East Java and Sumberjati is the village where I stay now.

I start making this blog in order to:
1. Enhance my English
2. Open the opportunity to have a new friendship through blogging
3. Have many teacher friend abroad
4. Go out from my main activities (On line gaming and write status on FB)
5. Have a new income (if possible)

My job is a teacher of elementary school, that is started from September 2004 till now, besides that I'm also a typist in rental computer (Dhear Computer).
Then, about my study, here are the history
1. I started studying at pre school (TK. Dharma Wanita) in the year 1990 - 1992
2. After elementary school I continued studying at elementary school (SDN Sumberjati I) in the year 1992 -  1998
3. Then, I went to Junior High School (SMPN 1 Silo) in the year 1998 - 2001
4. Then, I continued to Senior High School (SMAN 1 Kalisat) in the year 2001-2004
5. I had a break from study for about a year
6. Then, I continued My Diploma 2 (STIB Blambangan Banyuwangi) in the year 2005-2007
7. Being confused in choosing the university made me to continue my bachelor degree at IKIP PGRI Jember in the year 2007-2011

That's a brief about me as the introduction of this BLOG, I hope this blog will last long and have the income for the future..